High Stakes Testing and Exit Exams includes articles by attorneys, an advocate, and an expert about including students with disabilities in high-stakes testing. High Stakes Testing: The Next Wave of Special Education Litigation by Pete Wright, Esq. High-Stakes Testing: Educational Barometer for Success, or False Prognosticator for Failure? by Torin Togut, Esq. No Child Left Behind and the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Accountability and Assessment Systems by Dr. Martha Thurlow, Director of the National Center on Educational Outcomes. Exit Exams Can Be Optional If You Plan Ahead by Sue Heath, co-author of Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind. In the Fall 2003 issue, Winds of Change, we looked at changing expectations, reading, reading research and assessments, special education litigation, education reform, and the No Child Left Behind Act. Articles include:
The Winter 2002 issue was about
Paper Chase was the theme of the Fall 2001 issue. In this issue are articles about how to organize, manage and use documents in special education litigation. Although each contributor developed different approaches, they agreed on several key points.
Mediation and negotiation in special education disputes was the theme of the Summer 2001 issue. Articles included:
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